Friday, July 15, 2011

Delicious Lamb Shish Kebabs with Tzatziki

I marinated Riverslea Farm lamb kebabs in grated ginger, minced garlic, freshly ground cumin seed, turmeric and coriander, olive oil and lemon juice.  Grilled these 1-1/2" chunks for no more than 8 minutes (rotated halfway through), and served over orzo pilaf with a side of delicious tzatziki.  Wedges of red onion, chunks of farm fresh tomato, and cremini mushrooms accompanied the lamb.  Recipe for tzatziki follows:

Decadent and ultra smooth tzatziki recipe:

3 lg cukes, peeled, seeded, chopped (fine to coarse, whichever your preference)
~cup of sour cream (yes, yogurt is a classic base)
dollop mayo
zest from one lemon, plus 1 Tbsp juice
1 tsp vinegar
2 cloves garlic, pressed (the fresh garlic that is available at the farmers' markets right now is worth loading up on!!)
ample fresh chopped parsley (and dill, if you're so inclined)
scant pinch salt

Mix altogether, chill for a bit.  Derishuss!

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